Saturday 28 February 2009

Animal time

I have been thinking of animals alot lately, mainly because of something that happened....... first I will share these pics with you. My brown dog is Sasha, other dog is Jenny and the little piggie is Peanut when he was a baby. The piggies are the reason for all this..... peanut has a sister, Lulu, a mum Rosie and a dad called Mum (Adel chose this - I take it as a compliment!). So we have 2 girls and 2 boys. These piggies have been seperated for almost a year, and we have had no problems......until Wednesday. When cleaning their cages we came across 3 dead baby piggies :( I am in shock. It is very sad that they died, but..... can someone PLEASE EXPLAIN how my piggy (Rosie) got pregnant in the first place?! I just dont know, I mean I KNOW but how can it happen when there cages are apart from each other? Well they were until 2/3 weeks ago, but the dead ones looked full term. How how how ??!!

Friday 27 February 2009

Here is one side of the quilt bag I am making. I have finished both sides now, so am nearly finished! Only trouble is..... the center rectangle piece is 1/4 inch longer than the other one, so the sides dont excactly match up :( but I am hoping that the ladies will be able to work around it, because I really dont want to unpick it! And since it is my first one I am not that fussed about it being perfect - it is my learning one after all. I will hopefully go out and get some fabric for my sample quilt in the next couple of days too. That quilt is going to take all year to do - a block a month - but I will put up each block as I do it. and while I am here, can I just say - can birthdays please be put on hold? Just for a little while?!! The girls had 2 parties in Jan, Charli's was a couple of weeks ago, they have one to go to tomorrow, one next Sat, and another in March. My god! What are they going to do for the rest of the year when all these parties are over?! And of course my sisters baby is due any day now - last night I brought this gorgeous white cardy - it has 4 big buttons on it, and a little hood, that could be both girl and boy. It is sooooo cute and tiny! Anyway that is all :)

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Not yet....

I have'nt finished my quilt bag yet - had hoped to get it done the other day, but as it was my first time (kind of!) quilting, I had a little trouble! But hopefully it will be finished by this time next week. I just could'nt get my head around what i had to do, but I see now how to do it, and it is kind of easy. It looks good already :) and I am already looking forward to doing another! And of course I have the sampler quilt I start next month... My latest scrapping project is an album of hubby and me on our 3rd wedding ann. last year. That just needs the finishing touches and then I will put photos of it up! My boss is scrapping a little bird house (so beautiful!!) and that has inspired me to start something OTP. Not sure what I will choose to scrap. Shame there is'nt birthdays coming up :( but there is a little baby on the way which I have something for....just waiting to see what she has...... anyday now......!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Grrr - not right

Someone seems to think their kids (and themselves) are better than mine - because of the school they go to. Well let me tell you - you are in no better position than me - and my girls are doing excellent at their school and we have no troubles at all with them or the school. I never went to a private school and I am doing just fine - I'm in the same place as you. I dont even know why I have to say this, guess I am defending my girls, even though they have no idea about the whole thing. And I had to get it off my chest. People should think about what they say first before it comes out, I dont want to say any more about it.

New Slice Cartridges...

I have just seen the new slice cartridges on the MM website - looking good! I really like the word/sentiments one - that would be handy to have instead of stamping as I dont have lots of sentiments etc in my stamps. I start quilting next week, and so I am going to a quilting shop with a couple of ladies to pick out some fabrics - i am sooo excited! My first project will be a bag, and i cant wait to start. I am hoping I will enjoy making it - all the quilting stuff I see is just so beautiful. As if I need another hobby! My sister sent me a really nice photo of us 3 sisters, plus a beautiful one of her and her son, so I might go and start scrapping them. I am dying to make something nice for her new baby, but until I know what she has, I wont start, as I really want to do it in the boy or girl colors for her. Only a couple of weeks to go!

Monday 16 February 2009

These are my latest cards that I have made. On the bottom is one I made for Charli from us and the one on the top is one of 12 thank you cards I made for her presents. The thank you cards dont all have a little heart on them - this one I stamped because the big heart was off center, and it was driving me crazy looking at it! I did try to start a LO this morning, but I was getting nowhere - think I will add another p/p to it, then..... see what happens. Might get some more scrapping time in before the girls come home.....

Sunday 15 February 2009

Charli's 2nd 7th birthday...

Well I have to say Charli has had it good! This morning her Granny and Poppa came to visit, with some lovely pressies for her. Then tonight after tea we gave her our presents. We did this because Mick wont be here in the morning and it is nice to be together to do these things! She loved her pressies, especially the DS game - I have only just got her off the thing - she has been lying in bed playing it! I did'nt want to yell at her tonight, so I kept saying "have you turned it off?" and she would say "just a minute I have to finish this level"....... God!! So now it is finally off - and I will probly have a very grumpy girl in the morning - I will be too I think!! I have just finished making cupcakes for her to take to school tomorrow - little teeny bite size ones - very cute! I even had some left over - 2 for Mick and 1 for Adel. And no I did'nt even lick the bowl! Thats usually one of my fav things to do, but tonight I am just too buggered to bother. I just washed up and now we are ready for the morning. :) Can you believe she has more presents to open tomorrow?!! And I suppose she would like to go out for tea, or maybe I can cook her something? Dont know, I'll ask her in the morning and see what she tells me to do!

Saturday 14 February 2009

Happy Birthday Charli!

Charli turns 7 on Monday, but we had the party today. As it has been raining, we ended up having it inside - a bit crazy, but it went well! So we had 10 kids in the lounge - they were LOUD but very well behaved. They played pin the nose on the clown, had music going and of course they yelled and screamed! But it was all good! And look at the lovely cake I made (not really! It's a shop one!) - a chocolate cake which everyone enjoyed. (dont you hate it when you have a little person reading what you type over your shoulder?!!!) Charli had a great day - her celebration will go over 3 days by the looks of it - we have her Granny and Poppa coming to visit tomorrow, then of course her birthday on Monday. We then had friends drop in for tea afterwards - pizza, yummy! - so a big day. But it was great!

Friday 13 February 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Lucky me! I have been given an early v'day pressie - a beautiful potted orchid! It is beautiful - and a real surprise. I walked into the lounge and my hubby was sitting on the couch with this funny look on his face - he was waiting for me to spot these flowers sitting on the coffee table. Took me a while - I was too busy yakking away as usual! And he aslo had a very sweet card for me. I gave him his card too tonight - no pressie for him though - I am a terrible wife!!

Thursday 12 February 2009

A sad week...

Well what a very sad week for Victoria - I have been glued to the TV watching all the news on the bushfires. Incredible stories, it is just so sad, and seeing the footage and hearing peoples stories - I could'nt even begin to imagine what it would be like. Good on everyone who is donating money - god, I have donated some, but it is hardly anything to what others have done! Oh well, it all helps.
On a happier note, I have been busy getting ready for Charlis birthday party on the weekend - Valentines Day! We are having a red and pink theme, this includes food. So I'll get the finishing touches tomorrow, and we should be right to go! I'll put some photos up when I have them. We also got some really nice papers at work today, and I have printed some photos off, and am now dying to get stuck in to creating some LOs! By the way, I mentioned in an earlier post that I made a Kaiser tag holder box for my sister for her birthday - well she loved it. I LOVE making things for people, I really do (although sometimes I wish I could keep it for my self!!) I am about to take up quilting, and a lady showed me a doll she made - it is gorgeous! I really want to make one - I am already thinking of xmas presents....... :)! Gotta go - I hear Jimmy Barnes is about to be on TV, singing a song on the bush fire appeal tv show - love Jimmy!! Then I better go to bed or the girls wont get to school in time!

Thursday 5 February 2009

I take it back.....

Well, some of it anyway! I mentioned that I was'nt too keen on the new Melissa Francis collection, but I have just spotted "Attic Treasures" - and that I really like! Vintage look, very cute - that's the Melissa I know and like! So I would love to get some of that. On a nother note, I am going to SIA in March/April. I have to say, I am looking forward to it! I think we will be doing a workshop there, plus having a look around at some new things that are coming out. Thanks Trish :) Getting excited... I have a workshop on Sat at work - Foundation Course #2. I have 3 girls that will be coming, and I will be showing them how to use chipboard and p/p in their LOs. They have just started scrapping and are really nice. And no, I have'nt made anymore LOs or cards , so nothing to upload - sorry! Maybe I should put up something, anything! instead of me just going on!

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Disapointed :(

I have been waiting, or dying, I should say!, to see the new range from Making Memories. Well I saw it IRL today, and I have to say I was a little disapointed. I am a brown and green girl, and these colors were in the range, but what i saw did'nt make me want to reach out and grab it and take it home. I probly will get some of it, the journalling books are really nice, but I just thought it was a real shame. And I also got a sneak peek at the other new range from CHA, the boy and girl range, and that did'nt excite me either. Nothing at the moment is inspiring me. I love scrapping to bits, but I just want to see something WOW!!
Nothing new to put up and show - have'nt scrapped this week!

Monday 2 February 2009

Got it!

We got Adels hat back today - phew! Thought I was going to have to fork out for a new one already. Went to a local craft group today - this is where I am going to learn how to quilt. I am so excited! It is something I have wanted to do for a while now, and these ladies will show me how! They had a bit of a show and tell - gee some of the stuff they have made is beautiful! So even though I was the youngest there (as usual!) I will go back and make a start! Will probly be a while before I can put a pic up! Went to a b'day party on the weekend - Catherine you went to so much trouble - and it was worth it! The girls had fun, and the goodie bags were gorgeous. Thank you! So now I have to plan my DDs 7th b'day party - which is in 2 weeks - eeeekkk!!! We have decided on a Valentines Theme, with everything red or pink. Have lots of ideas so far, but dont want to do too much and be under heaps of pressure! And just to let you all know - I am having tennis withdrawals... poor Roger. Wish he had of won. Although with his prize money, Nadal might be able to afford toot paper or new undies or something...

Sunday 1 February 2009

School Lost Property...

Week one count: One hat (Adel).
Well done - great start to the year.....