In July I went to the Stick'n'Giggle retreat in Mt Tambourine. Was a little cold, but lots of fun. I actualy got a few LOs done, which was great for me as I have'nt done many lately. These photos are of me and Jolene - she was so nice, really lovely and I lovedddd the workshop I did with her. Very happy with the LO. I am not really a glitter and punch girl, but after having used them in her w/s I now own some. The other photo is of the two ladies I shared a room with. Jody did a great job of putting us togther - they are so nice and I had fun chatting with them till all hours of the night. So nice to meet Linda IRL and nice to meet Amanda too, they are local girls so I just might get to see them again.......
Hi, I am new to Blogging. I though I would check out other blogs and expected to come up with one from some other part oif the world. Surprise, I came across one from my own home town. I was at Mt Tambourine recently, a beautiful place.
Your craft work looks great.
Hey Megan THAT'S ME......lol...... Will have to come and visit you at work one day (and bring Amanda with me) would be great to catch up again soon!
Loving the layouts you have created also, they look fantastic!!
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