I have just made these 2 tonight. They are for my mother-in-law, whose birthday was Friday, but we are seeing them tomorrow (well, Mick and the girls are anyway). So, I thought I better get to it! She loves sheep and I found this old sheep sticker (from Brown Sugar) and went for a farmy theme on this Kaiser Tag box - yes, another box! They come in handy for the person recieving it, I hope! It is covered in Kaiser p/paper and it has some red heart buttons, used here as apples, that my friend Catherine gave me. The Card has Delish paper and the bird and brown leaves are cut from one of the Websters papers. My DM had only just been put on when I took the photo, so it is still wet.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Birthday Present
I have just made these 2 tonight. They are for my mother-in-law, whose birthday was Friday, but we are seeing them tomorrow (well, Mick and the girls are anyway). So, I thought I better get to it! She loves sheep and I found this old sheep sticker (from Brown Sugar) and went for a farmy theme on this Kaiser Tag box - yes, another box! They come in handy for the person recieving it, I hope! It is covered in Kaiser p/paper and it has some red heart buttons, used here as apples, that my friend Catherine gave me. The Card has Delish paper and the bird and brown leaves are cut from one of the Websters papers. My DM had only just been put on when I took the photo, so it is still wet.
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, June 06, 2009 1 comments
Look at the cute!

These are the latest additions to our household. Early Friday morning our g/pig had her babies - 4 of them. They are so tiny and cute. We will be making changes to the hutches very shortly..... partly because we do not want anymore, and because the mum is now not being very nice to our other female g/pig. So that one and a girl baby will go in together when they can. And then Friday afternoon we got 2 chicks! Mick and Adel have wanted chooks for AGES, and friends of ours no longer wanted them - so... we took them in. It is really nice having them here, and they seem happy little things. So now we have quite a few animals here, and we like it!
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, June 06, 2009 1 comments
Friday, 5 June 2009
Rusty Pickle night - wow!
I am knackered! Last night was our workshop with Lance Anderson from Rusty Pickle, who came all the way over from USA, to teach us this cool mini album workshop! I will put some photos up of the night soon I promise, but dont laugh! Not only did we do the workshop, but Trish and I dressed up for it too! You will have to wait and see...... A very fun night with lots of laughs, and the techniques and ideas we learned were fantastic. So A big thank you to Lance, and I'll put in a special mention for Crafty for holding it there etc (you know what I mean!) and hopefully we can do it again!
Posted by scrapea at Friday, June 05, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Rusty Pickle and other things
Well what a week is all I can say - this past one and the upcoming days! My dd, who is in the schools choral speaking group had a performance tonight. It was soooo cute :) I am so proud of her. I have managed to fit in a few scrapping things too. Friday night I went to a Stampin Up workshop where we made a Carousel notes scallop purse, which was so much fun. I am hoping to make more of these cute little albums! Sat night was spent scrapping with Trish - till 3 in the morning! Big night but we got lots done. I did 2 LOs and almost finishe yet another Kaiser tag box, a present for my MIL's upcoming b'day. No photos yet but they will come.... when I get time! lol So about RUSTY PICKLE......... Lance, THE man from Rusty Pickle is coming to Crafty for a workshop this week! We are having a School themed night, to match his paper range. We are doing a mini album with a difference, some exciting little features in it, so should be interesting. I did a workshop with Lance 2 years ago - that was a great night and very fast! You are always trying to keep up. So I will put that up here too later this week for you to see. If you want to go contact www.crafty.com.au - hurry! Only a few spaces left till the "class" is full!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 0 comments