Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1 comments
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, March 17, 2009 0 comments
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, March 14, 2009 2 comments
Posted by scrapea at Friday, March 13, 2009 1 comments
Eeeeeek! Well I am going to the Paper Craft Festival this weekend - last minute thing. So I have been busy doing up a couple of samples to put on display there - and they need to be finished by Thursday morning. Breathe..... all is good. So I finished work, picked up the girls, got take away ( the girls loved that one, they have been bugging me for ages to get some!) and came home expecting Mick to be still at work - but he was home! So I got stuck into it all straight away. My hubby is the best - he made the girls lunches and did dishes - then brought me in a coffee. Big kisses to you Mick - love you. Have to say I was on a roll, so I cant really complain! I will put up photos next week of what I have done. They are almost finished just need to embellish and make pretty! Not bad for working under pressure - but I really enjoyed what I was doing. Have to say also - kits are the BEST thing. It all goes together and you dont have to think. Now before I go to bed I am off to look at the MM site - just heard they are having monthly surveys and want feed back - I would like to join in and have my say!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1 comments
Posted by scrapea at Monday, March 09, 2009 2 comments
Posted by scrapea at Friday, March 06, 2009 1 comments
Yay! My sister had her baby! On Sunday, Kody was born. I have'nt seen a photo yet, but I have started to scrap something special. My first is a Melissa Francis keepsake box, with her p/p to go with it, and I am also going to scrap a wooden "baby" word sign. I am all set to go! Am dying to get stuck into it - and will put photos up when they are done. My other scarp project is for the Foundation Course I am doing at work with trish. Wont be showing that one though till after the class....:) And we found Charli's DS tonight........ not sure what happened there. It got lost on Sunday, and both girls looked so guilty! We searched the whole damn house for it only to find it tonight in a place we have already looked. Not sure why they hid it - Charli cant live with out that thing. But I'm sure they thought it was so funny to see mum and dad try to find it and waste so much time doing it. :(
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, March 05, 2009 0 comments