What a whirlwind! We (Trish, Nicole and myself) arrived in Sydney Tues morn for SIA, a scrapbook trade show, and then got home last night. We stayed at a motel at Olympic park, which was pretty cool to see. The trade show was great and I am now very insipred and have a million things running through my brain! We spent yesterday shopping first at DFO then heading into the city, where we walked up to the harbour. I have to say, despite all the walking, which I complained about like a little kid, it was a great thing to do. We got to see lots of interesting things, and I have to say that I really loved being in Sydney and would love to go back. We hopped on a ferry, and went under the bridge and then went to see the Opera house - all a BIG thrill for me as I have only ever seen pictures of it. So very excited to be there. Our trip was pretty much made up of us 3 crazy ladies taking self-portraits, laughing, pointing, walking, toot stops, walking, laughing, walking across Sydney, and it did'nt stop on the plane, where we (not trish though!!) a glass of wine and got photos taken with the cabin crew by the pilot. The cabin crew were fantastic and put up with us!! Anyway I am exhausted, but will put up a couple of photos. Not sure if this post has made sense, but there is so much to say, and in my tired mind I cant get it out right :)
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