I have just made these 2 tonight. They are for my mother-in-law, whose birthday was Friday, but we are seeing them tomorrow (well, Mick and the girls are anyway). So, I thought I better get to it! She loves sheep and I found this old sheep sticker (from Brown Sugar) and went for a farmy theme on this Kaiser Tag box - yes, another box! They come in handy for the person recieving it, I hope! It is covered in Kaiser p/paper and it has some red heart buttons, used here as apples, that my friend Catherine gave me. The Card has Delish paper and the bird and brown leaves are cut from one of the Websters papers. My DM had only just been put on when I took the photo, so it is still wet.
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Birthday Present
I have just made these 2 tonight. They are for my mother-in-law, whose birthday was Friday, but we are seeing them tomorrow (well, Mick and the girls are anyway). So, I thought I better get to it! She loves sheep and I found this old sheep sticker (from Brown Sugar) and went for a farmy theme on this Kaiser Tag box - yes, another box! They come in handy for the person recieving it, I hope! It is covered in Kaiser p/paper and it has some red heart buttons, used here as apples, that my friend Catherine gave me. The Card has Delish paper and the bird and brown leaves are cut from one of the Websters papers. My DM had only just been put on when I took the photo, so it is still wet.
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, June 06, 2009 1 comments
Look at the cute!

These are the latest additions to our household. Early Friday morning our g/pig had her babies - 4 of them. They are so tiny and cute. We will be making changes to the hutches very shortly..... partly because we do not want anymore, and because the mum is now not being very nice to our other female g/pig. So that one and a girl baby will go in together when they can. And then Friday afternoon we got 2 chicks! Mick and Adel have wanted chooks for AGES, and friends of ours no longer wanted them - so... we took them in. It is really nice having them here, and they seem happy little things. So now we have quite a few animals here, and we like it!
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, June 06, 2009 1 comments
Friday, 5 June 2009
Rusty Pickle night - wow!
I am knackered! Last night was our workshop with Lance Anderson from Rusty Pickle, who came all the way over from USA, to teach us this cool mini album workshop! I will put some photos up of the night soon I promise, but dont laugh! Not only did we do the workshop, but Trish and I dressed up for it too! You will have to wait and see...... A very fun night with lots of laughs, and the techniques and ideas we learned were fantastic. So A big thank you to Lance, and I'll put in a special mention for Crafty for holding it there etc (you know what I mean!) and hopefully we can do it again!
Posted by scrapea at Friday, June 05, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Rusty Pickle and other things
Well what a week is all I can say - this past one and the upcoming days! My dd, who is in the schools choral speaking group had a performance tonight. It was soooo cute :) I am so proud of her. I have managed to fit in a few scrapping things too. Friday night I went to a Stampin Up workshop where we made a Carousel notes scallop purse, which was so much fun. I am hoping to make more of these cute little albums! Sat night was spent scrapping with Trish - till 3 in the morning! Big night but we got lots done. I did 2 LOs and almost finishe yet another Kaiser tag box, a present for my MIL's upcoming b'day. No photos yet but they will come.... when I get time! lol So about RUSTY PICKLE......... Lance, THE man from Rusty Pickle is coming to Crafty for a workshop this week! We are having a School themed night, to match his paper range. We are doing a mini album with a difference, some exciting little features in it, so should be interesting. I did a workshop with Lance 2 years ago - that was a great night and very fast! You are always trying to keep up. So I will put that up here too later this week for you to see. If you want to go contact www.crafty.com.au - hurry! Only a few spaces left till the "class" is full!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, 28 May 2009
CRAFTY is having a SALE! 4 days only, starts Friday ends Monday.
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, May 28, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Lindas Sketches
Posted by scrapea at Sunday, May 24, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Mothers Day gifts
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1 comments
Present Swap
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, May 12, 2009 1 comments
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Mothers Day

Posted by scrapea at Sunday, May 10, 2009 2 comments
Friday, 8 May 2009
Fun at the show
The girls had so much fun at the show! We have'nt been for a couple of years, so I thought I might as well take them. They went on rides, had their face painted, got fairy floss, saw lots of animals, got a showbag - all the usual! Their favorite thing was meeting a robot that was walking around, he called them little pink things and they just loved him :) So a big day spent there, but worth it for the girls. After Mick got home I then headed to my friends house to start on my 2nd block of the month - that will hope fully be finished on Monday. I love it so much - thanks Sanchia for helping me get started! Today I almost finished my
Posted by scrapea at Friday, May 08, 2009 1 comments
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Fun and relaxing...

Posted by scrapea at Wednesday, May 06, 2009 0 comments
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Never ending...
After picking Adel up from daycare yesterday, she got inside and told me she was'nt feeling well. So I sent her off to bed to rest. She did'nt look too bad, so I did'nt know what it might be. Anyway, she ended up asleep, but not for long.... she woke up crying a little then... she was sick everywhere. I feel so sorry for kids when they are sick, but other peoples spew is gross - I'm sorry. So there I am holding a bucket and holding my breath and trying not to breathe in! Poor thing! It went on till about 9.30ish then she slept for the rest of the night. So I have her home today, curled up on the couch watching ABC kids. She is very quiet, but I think she is alot better.
On to nicer things..... I have a Mothers Day present swap coming up at the craft group I go to, and the theme is Flowers. So I need to make something floral. I have an idea in mind and am going to start on it today. Will put pics up when I am done!
Posted by scrapea at Wednesday, April 29, 2009 1 comments
Sunday, 26 April 2009
A LO at last!
Posted by scrapea at Sunday, April 26, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Thank you Mick
My posts are a little out of order, but I have to say a big thank you to my wonderful hubby Mick. I have forgotten to mention that it was his birthday on Thursday - so Happy Birthday to you! Throughout this whole weekend he has been fantastic. Looking after the girls, buying a new car for me (was'nt his fault it turned out the way it did!!) coming to the hosp with me and waiting aaaalllllll night by my side, helping with Adels party and letting me rest when I needed to. And trips to the shop for school lunch food ready for the girls today. So THANK YOU. I am not sure how I will ever repay all his kindness, but I love him to bits!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, April 21, 2009 0 comments
Happy Birthday Adel!
Adel had a really nice time at her party! Her and Charli and 2 other girls had fun running around, being silly - there was even a mini water fight and a walk around the pond. She had fun opening her pressies and was given lots of great little goodies! Now she is 5!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, April 21, 2009 0 comments
Ok, here goes......
Well what a weekend. I have no words for it, but I have been left exhausted - I think we all have. As you know, on Fri my van "broke down" and we knew we would need a new car. So a sleepless night there. I then worked all day Sat, went home to bed, then up to the hospital at 7.30. I had a miscarrige, and was there till 2.30 in the morn. Our lovely neighbour was looking after the girls, but as she was going out for the day, we came home from the hosp, had a couple of hours sleep and picked them up at 5.00am Sun morn. Which was Adels birthday! So we gave her her pressies and went off to the park for a party. Also, on Sat Mick had done some ringing around about the Kia, and also ended up buying me a new car which we were to pick up Mon. So Monday arrives. Up to hosp in taxi for an ultrasound then back home to wait for Mick to finish work. He comes home and we all hop in the car and drive to the other side of the city to pick up our new car - and pull up to find the man under the bonnet. Something is wrong with something there (mmm not sure, did'nt really want to know) so we got our deposit back and went home. There. Hows that?! So no car and now I'll have to spend the day looking for one. My lovely bosses have given me the day off, so I am going to look for a car and rest. Do nothing much. Which sounds like the best thing ever. Here's hoping for a good week! Fingers crossed!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, April 21, 2009 0 comments
Friday, 17 April 2009
Furious is not the word...
My hubby changed my oil and filter today, only to find there was oil in the water coolant. Well he realised that would be big, but we did'nt think it would be this big. I now need a new car by the looks of things. Aparently the Kias have this trouble and Kia wont do anything about it - they know all about it and dont tell anyone. I am SOOOOOOOO angry. What will I do? I need my car, any car. I am so mad. We have just put new tyres on it, and it is now a worthless pile of metal. I am not happy...
Posted by scrapea at Friday, April 17, 2009 5 comments
Sunday, 12 April 2009
A birthday card.
I made this card for my Father-in-law. I always struggle to make man cards, but I was pretty happy with this one!
Posted by scrapea at Sunday, April 12, 2009 3 comments
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Happy Easter!
Easter time has come around already! This came up abit fast for me, so the girls helped make their bonnets with things I got from work, and a cowgirl hat!! The Easter bunny is already to go on Sunday - I just have to make sure I wake up early enough to hide the eggs around the yard for the easter egg hunt - and make sure the dogs dont eat them either! So it should be a nice long weekend - we are spending Good Friday with Trish and family ( can we just aim for the bulls eyes??), then on Sat we are seeing the in-laws. And then YES Adel, the Easter bunny will be there when you wake up!! How many times do kids have to ask "when is the easter bunny coming? Will he be here when I wake up?"!!! And they dont even eat all their chocolate..... I am just hoping we will all be well over the easter weekend. For the last 3 years someone here has been sick (not from chocolate!), hopefully Adels burn was our bit of Easter sickness.... cross fingers... Enjoy your easter everyone!! :)
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, April 09, 2009 0 comments
Poor Adel! After having a ride on dad's bike (with him, I should say!), she was told to hang on till Mick was ready to get her off........ but in usual Adel fashion, she did'nt hear, and put her leg down..... and burnt it in the exhaust. We put it under the tap, and now it is much better, but I can tell you Mick felt sooo awful! As I said, it is much better, but she still hops around carrying on, she "can't" walk and all that ...... and other times she completely forgets about it!
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, April 09, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Quick trip to Sydney!

Posted by scrapea at Thursday, April 02, 2009 0 comments
Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1 comments
This is a card my friend (and boss!) made for me for my birthday - it is so beautiful, and she made it in my favorite colors! I was also given a little box of stamps - that I have already put to good use - thank you Trish!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, March 17, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, 14 March 2009
My First Bag
Well today was my birthday....... and I spent it sewing! After buying my materials I came home and got started. It is a Rosalie Quinlan designs "Beauty of a flower" carry bag - but it is very different to the one in the pattern! For a start I did'nt add the flower app. or stitch the quote, and my pockets are so badly done! But I LOVE it anyway! Those pockets had me stumped - so I did it my way :) I cant wait to fill it now and use it tomorrow... where-ever I may go! And BTW my birthday was really nice - some very nice pressies and of course a cake that Adel picked out (she loves the pink icing, and she thought I might too!) Thank you! BTW Catherine, you pin cushion came in VERY handy today :)
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, March 14, 2009 2 comments
Friday, 13 March 2009
My birthday has come early!
Well I had a really nice day today! My birthday is tomorrow, but as Mick had an RDO today we decided to celebrate early. We drove out to Boonah and had lunch at our favorite restuarant there then had a look in the shops. Mick let me choose something as a present, and I chose this cute salt and pepper shaker set, and the other little pig - I could'nt resist his grin! On Wednesday my friend Catherine gave me a beautiful present. She made a gift box in my favorite color, made a pin cushion for my new passion - patchwork - and there was also a pretty tin with pins in it! She also made a beautiful card - thank you Catherine for the thoughtful, beautiful present! She went to a lot of trouble and I appreciate it. Talking of new passions, Spotlight opened in our town on Thursday - it is fantastic! It has to be one of my favorite shops and I am so glad we have one here - but Mick is not happy! Oh well...!
Posted by scrapea at Friday, March 13, 2009 1 comments
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
OMG freaking out
Eeeeeek! Well I am going to the Paper Craft Festival this weekend - last minute thing. So I have been busy doing up a couple of samples to put on display there - and they need to be finished by Thursday morning. Breathe..... all is good. So I finished work, picked up the girls, got take away ( the girls loved that one, they have been bugging me for ages to get some!) and came home expecting Mick to be still at work - but he was home! So I got stuck into it all straight away. My hubby is the best - he made the girls lunches and did dishes - then brought me in a coffee. Big kisses to you Mick - love you. Have to say I was on a roll, so I cant really complain! I will put up photos next week of what I have done. They are almost finished just need to embellish and make pretty! Not bad for working under pressure - but I really enjoyed what I was doing. Have to say also - kits are the BEST thing. It all goes together and you dont have to think. Now before I go to bed I am off to look at the MM site - just heard they are having monthly surveys and want feed back - I would like to join in and have my say!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, March 10, 2009 1 comments
Monday, 9 March 2009
Block 1.
Posted by scrapea at Monday, March 09, 2009 2 comments
Friday, 6 March 2009
This is a card I made today to send to my sister who has just had a little boy. It took me ages to do - is started out completely different and I began with so many things like ribbon, other stickers etc, but in the end I went with a simple look. I think it is cute! And as for the keepsake box..... grrrr! I have got the paper to cover it done, but I cannot think of what else to add to it. Driving me crazy... might have to go shopping. I just want it to look good, and I am not really used to doing boy things so it is a challenge!
Posted by scrapea at Friday, March 06, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Good news all around!
Yay! My sister had her baby! On Sunday, Kody was born. I have'nt seen a photo yet, but I have started to scrap something special. My first is a Melissa Francis keepsake box, with her p/p to go with it, and I am also going to scrap a wooden "baby" word sign. I am all set to go! Am dying to get stuck into it - and will put photos up when they are done. My other scarp project is for the Foundation Course I am doing at work with trish. Wont be showing that one though till after the class....:) And we found Charli's DS tonight........ not sure what happened there. It got lost on Sunday, and both girls looked so guilty! We searched the whole damn house for it only to find it tonight in a place we have already looked. Not sure why they hid it - Charli cant live with out that thing. But I'm sure they thought it was so funny to see mum and dad try to find it and waste so much time doing it. :(
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, March 05, 2009 0 comments
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Animal time
Posted by scrapea at Saturday, February 28, 2009 0 comments
Friday, 27 February 2009
Here is one side of the quilt bag I am making. I have finished both sides now, so am nearly finished! Only trouble is..... the center rectangle piece is 1/4 inch longer than the other one, so the sides dont excactly match up :( but I am hoping that the ladies will be able to work around it, because I really dont want to unpick it! And since it is my first one I am not that fussed about it being perfect - it is my learning one after all. I will hopefully go out and get some fabric for my sample quilt in the next couple of days too. That quilt is going to take all year to do - a block a month - but I will put up each block as I do it. and while I am here, can I just say - can birthdays please be put on hold? Just for a little while?!! The girls had 2 parties in Jan, Charli's was a couple of weeks ago, they have one to go to tomorrow, one next Sat, and another in March. My god! What are they going to do for the rest of the year when all these parties are over?! And of course my sisters baby is due any day now - last night I brought this gorgeous white cardy - it has 4 big buttons on it, and a little hood, that could be both girl and boy. It is sooooo cute and tiny! Anyway that is all :)
Posted by scrapea at Friday, February 27, 2009 2 comments
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Not yet....
I have'nt finished my quilt bag yet - had hoped to get it done the other day, but as it was my first time (kind of!) quilting, I had a little trouble! But hopefully it will be finished by this time next week. I just could'nt get my head around what i had to do, but I see now how to do it, and it is kind of easy. It looks good already :) and I am already looking forward to doing another! And of course I have the sampler quilt I start next month... My latest scrapping project is an album of hubby and me on our 3rd wedding ann. last year. That just needs the finishing touches and then I will put photos of it up! My boss is scrapping a little bird house (so beautiful!!) and that has inspired me to start something OTP. Not sure what I will choose to scrap. Shame there is'nt birthdays coming up :( but there is a little baby on the way which I have something for....just waiting to see what she has...... anyday now......!
Posted by scrapea at Tuesday, February 24, 2009 0 comments
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Grrr - not right
Someone seems to think their kids (and themselves) are better than mine - because of the school they go to. Well let me tell you - you are in no better position than me - and my girls are doing excellent at their school and we have no troubles at all with them or the school. I never went to a private school and I am doing just fine - I'm in the same place as you. I dont even know why I have to say this, guess I am defending my girls, even though they have no idea about the whole thing. And I had to get it off my chest. People should think about what they say first before it comes out, I dont want to say any more about it.
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, February 19, 2009 0 comments
New Slice Cartridges...
I have just seen the new slice cartridges on the MM website - looking good! I really like the word/sentiments one - that would be handy to have instead of stamping as I dont have lots of sentiments etc in my stamps. I start quilting next week, and so I am going to a quilting shop with a couple of ladies to pick out some fabrics - i am sooo excited! My first project will be a bag, and i cant wait to start. I am hoping I will enjoy making it - all the quilting stuff I see is just so beautiful. As if I need another hobby! My sister sent me a really nice photo of us 3 sisters, plus a beautiful one of her and her son, so I might go and start scrapping them. I am dying to make something nice for her new baby, but until I know what she has, I wont start, as I really want to do it in the boy or girl colors for her. Only a couple of weeks to go!
Posted by scrapea at Thursday, February 19, 2009 0 comments
Monday, 16 February 2009
These are my latest cards that I have made. On the bottom is one I made for Charli from us and the one on the top is one of 12 thank you cards I made for her presents. The thank you cards dont all have a little heart on them - this one I stamped because the big heart was off center, and it was driving me crazy looking at it! I did try to start a LO this morning, but I was getting nowhere - think I will add another p/p to it, then..... see what happens. Might get some more scrapping time in before the girls come home.....
Posted by scrapea at Monday, February 16, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Charli's 2nd 7th birthday...
Posted by scrapea at Sunday, February 15, 2009 2 comments